By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Adobe Photoshop, Buttons, Check Box, Clean, controller, Creative, Design, Design Elements, Design Resources, detailed, Download, download free psd, download psd, Drop Down, Elements, Free, free download, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, Graphics, GUI, GUI kit, GUI Set, HD, hi-res, Interface, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Modern, Music Player, new, original, pack, Photoshop, Play, Player, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Radio Button, Resources, Scrollbar, Scroller, Search, Slider, Stylish, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Volume, Web, Web Design Elements, Web Elements, Web Resources

Download White Clean UI Kit free PSD file. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Adobe Photoshop, Button, Clean, Creative, Design, Design Elements, Design Resources, detailed, Download, download free psd, download psd, Elements, Free, free download, Free Icon, Free Icons, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, Graphics, GUI, GUI kit, GUI Set, HD, hi-res, Icon, Icon PSD, Icons, Interface, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Modern, new, original, pack, Photoshop, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD Icons, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, Shut Down, shutdown, Stylish, Switch, switch off, Turn Off, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, Web Design Elements, Web Elements, Web Resources

Here’s a big off button for you all. Download Switch Off Button Free PSD file. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
active, Adobe Photoshop, Button, Buttons, Clean, Creative, Design, Design Elements, Design Resources, detailed, Download, download free psd, download psd, Elements, Free, free download, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, Graphics, GUI, GUI kit, GUI Set, HD, hi-res, Interface, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Loader, Loading, Modern, new, original, pack, Photoshop, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, Scroll, Scroller, Search, Slider, Stylish, Switch, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, Web Design Elements, Web Elements, Web Resources

Download light Grey UI Kit Free PSD file. You can download it here. Feel free to use this UI kit wherever you’d like. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Adobe Photoshop, Button, Button Template, Buttons, Buy Now, Clean, Creative, Design, detailed, Download, Download Button, download free psd, download psd, E-book, Free, free download, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphics, HD, hi-res, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Modern, new, original, pack, Photoshop, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, Stylish, unique

This beautiful free PSD UI kit is an assorted combination of big app and social media buttons that you can use in your user interface designs. But wait! There’s more! This UI kit also comes with an editable e-book cover graphic template, hand-sketched arrows, and calls-to-action text. Download Free PSD UI Kit Super Buttons. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Buttons, Calendar, Clean, Creative, Design, detailed, Download, Elements, Free, free download, Free PSD, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, GUI, HD, hi-res, Interface, Kit, Layered PSDs, loading button, Modern, new, original, PSD, Quality, Resources, Search, Sliders, Stylish, toggle, tooltip, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, Web Elements, Web Resources

Download Free Creative Web UI Kit PSD file. Sweet web UI kit in psd – buttons, sliders, search, toggle, tooltip, loading button, calendar. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Adobe Photoshop, Button, Buttons, Clean, Creative, Design, Design Elements, Design Resources, detailed, Download, download free psd, download psd, Elements, Free, free download, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, Graphics, GUI, GUI kit, GUI Set, HD, hi-res, input, Interface, Key, Keyboard, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Modern, new, on-screen, original, pack, Photoshop, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, Stylish, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, Web Design Elements, Web Elements, Web Resources

A fantastic interface for a miniature keyboard, which could be used either in an on-screen interface / mockup, or a mobile application. Each key has various states — click, “on”, and default. It’s sleek, simple, and completely beautiful. Thanks to Riki for contributing such a brilliant freebie! Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Badges, box banners, Brass, Buttons, Clean, Creative, Design, detailed, Download, dropdown, Elements, fav buttons, Free, free download, Fresh, gears, Gold, Golden, Graphical, Graphical User Interface, GUI, HD, hi-res, Icons, Interface, Kit, Layered PSDs, Metal, Modern, new, original, pack, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, set, star rating, Stylish, sunshine, Switches, text/input fields, tooltips, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, Web Element, Web Elements, Web Resources

Download Free Sunshine Web UI Elements Kit PSD, Beautiful Sunshine UI elements kit – box banners, icons, dropdown, badges, text/input fields, switches, buttons, star rating, gears, fav buttons, tooltips – PSD. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
app designer, Buttons, Clean, Creative, Design, detailed, Download, Elements, Forms, Free, free download, Fresh, GMUI, Graphical User Interface, GUI, HD, hi-res, Interface, Kit, Layered PSDs, Menu, Modern, new, original, Quality, Resources, Simple, Sliders, Slix UI, Stylish, tools, tooltips, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web, web apps, Web Elements, Web Resources

Download Free Slix UI Web App Kit PSD file. “Slix UI” controls is a set made to make Web & App designers’ lives much easier. Easy to modify for apps and web. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Adobe Photoshop, Bar, Button, Buttons, Candy, Check Box, checkbox, Clean, Colorful, cotton, cotton candy, Creative, Design, Design Elements, Design Resources, detailed, Download, download free psd, download psd, Drop Down, Elements, Free, free download, Free PSD, Free Resources, Freebies, Fresh, Graphical User Interface, Graphics, GUI, GUI kit, GUI Set, HD, hi-res, Interface, Layered PSD, Layered PSDs, Login, Login Panel, Menu, Modern, navbar, Navi, Navigation, Navigation Bar, new, original, pack, Photoshop, PSD, psd download, PSD file, psd free, psd free download, PSD images, psd resources, PSD Sources, Psd Templates, Quality, Resources, Slider, Stylish, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, User Login, user navigation, voldume, Web, Web Design Elements, Web Elements, Web Menu, Web Resources, website navigation

Download Free Cotton Candy UI PSD Elements. Here’s a free mini UI set. I’m not too happy with the lemon flavor, so feel free to give me suggestions. Font used is Open Sans, which are available on Google and Font Squirrel. It’s a great free alternative to the premium Myriad Pro font. Enjoy!
By PSD Designs on August 11, 2014
Badges, box banners, Buttons, Clean, Creative, Design, detailed, Download, dropdown, Elements, fav buttons, Free, free download, Free PSD, Fresh, gears, Graphical User Interface, GUI, HD, hi-res, Icons, Interface, Layered PSDs, Modern, new, original, pack, PSD, Quality, set, star rating, Stylish, Switches, text/input fields, tooltips, UI, UI elements, ui kit, ui set, unique, User Interface, Web

This huge set of over 100 web and user interface design elements has been hand-crafted just for MediaLoot, it contains all of the common web and app design elements you need for a beautiful user experience. Each element is created using vector shapes and just 1 seamless texture, so everything is scalable and suitable for […]