Holiday label PSD template designed in green and red colors. That’s a useful PSD file that will help you to create holiday graphics, feature discounts to your products or simply greet your friends.,The holiday season is the perfect time to greet your customers. Remind them how profitable is to buy goods from you. Give them thanks for being loyal clients. Design greeting cards and address them to your clients, family and friends.,However, you don’t need to design every element of your holiday artworks, right? It would be a good idea to help yourself and download some ready-made graphics. We will do our best to provide as many graphics as possible to ease you with your holiday designs. For now, just browse our holiday category and choose suitable graphics for your own projects.,As always, we are releasing a properly grouped and named PSD file. You will not have any troubles to edit the label PSD. Just open it with Adobe Photoshop and modify it to suit your own needs. Change colors and shapes in just a few clicks. We have separated all layers and kept the blending effects intact. So, go on and hit the button. Grab the free PSD file now!,1064×1064px,