Holiday gift card template featuring warm and friendly look. We have designed an eye-catchy holiday card filled with glossy effects and pixel perfect graphics.,Generally, holiday gift cards are the perfect monetary alternative of a holiday gift. People are starting to use holiday gift cards more often than ever. So, it would be a good idea to have a PSD graphic of these so popular holiday gift cards, right? It will come in handy for your holiday designs and artworks.,We have properly organized the PSD file. It is as easy as 123 to reshape and recolor all layers. Change all effects in just a few clicks. And most importantly, the holiday gift card comes in a tiny file size – it’s just 1,14 mb!,Of course, you can use the holiday card template for print purposes too. Take it as a basic point and develop your own idea. Come up with something that will really impress your clients. Then take it for printing and check the results.,It’s a good idea to download our holiday gift card template even if you don’t need it now. These kind of graphics are always needed for various projects, so it will come in handy sooner or later. Moreover, you can inspect the techniques that we have used for creating these cards and apply them to your own projects. That’s a free lesson that you should not miss!,1834×698px,