Free icons PSD created in high resolution. We have designed a set of free icons presenting a bucket with brushes. Use these creative icons when you need to mention the software that you have used for making your projects. Of course, you can remove the placeholder for abbreviations and use the free icons for other purpose. We assure you that these creative icons will improve the whole look and feel of your artworks.,We have made 8 free icons where the Photoshop icon is fully layered. So, if you want to use the free icons for other purpose, you can make your modifications with ease. The layers of the Photoshop icon are fully layered and could be edited. Change colors, shapes and whatever you need to come up with an icon that suits your project completely. For example, you can take the free icons and use them on personal portfolios. Then state that you are good at painting and creating artworks. The uses are limitless, just use your imagination and produce something unique.,Note that a backlink to us is required to use the free icons. You should also link to us if you intend to spread the word about our free icon set.,1493×782px,