Our chalkboard PSD could be used as a placeholder for featured text on websites for example. It would be great if you type your message with a chalkboard font, just like our example. We have used a font called “Rudiment”. That’s a free font, so you will not have any extra editing fees.,It’s a good idea to use the chalkboard PSD template on mobile applications. Think of a good way to use our graphics and get your creative juices flowing.,We chose green as default color for the chalkboard PSD because green stands for hope. And we wanted this chalkboard PSD template to give you hope and energy to create something that has never been experienced or done before. So, put your imagination into action and start designing with our free PSD file as a starting point.,Our free chalkboard PSD template is properly layered and organized. We made it extremely easy for all newcomers in designing to work with our free chalkboard PSD. You can change the effects and shapes easily. So, it won’t be a problem to turn the green board to whiteboard or blackboard if you want to. That will cost you no more than a couple of clicks.,Backlink to our website is required if you want to spread the word about our article. Also, if you use our chalkboard PSD on a project, please add a link to our page.,1680×1050px,