By using our can PSD mockups you will save time and efforts. These can PSD graphics are perfect for presentation purposes. Very useful for those of you who are involved in manufacturing and design.,We have designed 3 can PSD mockups where the third one is just to show you how a real product will look like. We have used a free font there to save you any extra editing fees. The font is Ballpark and could be downloaded from DaFont for free.,All layers are completely editable. We made sure that it will be extremely easy even for a newcomer in designing to edit the PSD file. It means that we have not merged any layers and kept the entire structure intact. So change colors, shapes and effects in just a few clicks.,It is a good idea to take these can PSD graphics and use them as separate icons. Export any of these creative graphics and use them for your next design project. Note that our soda can PSD is available for free download only if you provide a backlink to our website. Also, if you intend to redistribute the article you have to link back to us too.,1680×1050px,