Free bookshelf PSD file containing lots of objects placed on the shelves. These are books, a ball, a teddy bear and a hat. We have designed all elements with perfection in every detail, so you can use any of them as a single icon for your projects.,Generally, bookshelves are used to store books and other printed materials. But nowadays, bookshelves are more popular in web and mobile applications. Web designers use bookshelf PSD files to create stunning applications. There are lots of iOs apps that feature bookshelves as a visual way to browse between books, magazines and newspapers.,There are lots of other uses for a bookshelf PSD graphic. You are not obligated to create an application. Think of something creative and head for it. It’s a good idea to use the objects on the bookshelf for other projects. You can save them as separate files and create icons for example.,The free PSD file is properly named and grouped. It will be as easy as pie to work with the bookshelf PSD. You need just some basic skills in designing. And of course, Adobe Photoshop. Download the PSD graphics for free, but do not forget to link back to us.,You can easily change the wood texture with something else. Take a look at these ,. They will suit perfectly the bookshelf PSD graphic.,1680×600px,